Electronic Autocollimators
Highest precision for every measurement task

ELCOMAT® direct N Product Line
Each ELCOMAT® direct N consists of the autocollimation sensor and the software ELCOdirect. ELCOdirect can be used with Microsoft® Windows and a current PC, laptop or notebook. The autocollimation sensor is connected to the computer via the USB interface. A Microsoft® Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL), autocollimation function, is included with the software ELCOdirect. ELCOMAT® is a registered Union Trademark (EUTM 018002083), Trade Mark in CN, US (Int. Reg. No. 1476462)
show productELCOMAT® vario N Product Line
With the direct signal digitization in the sensor head, the high user-friendliness and extended functions of the display unit 5000 the ELCOMAT® vario N sets a new standard in the ELCOMAT® product line. Like its predecessor ELCOMAT® vario D, the low-cost ELCOMAT® vario N autocollimation sensors can be supplied with a wide range of objective tubes. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable ELCOMAT® vario N for your specific measuring task.
show productELCOMAT® 5000
In direct comparison to its predecessor ELCOMAT® 3000, the ELCOMAT® 5000 features a 10-fold higher measuring frequency in addition to a larger measuring range and a better signal-to-noise ratio due to direct signal processing in the measuring head. In addition, internal position sensors can be used for fast and precise alignment of the measuring head and on-the-fly straightness measurement in interaction with the new 5000 display unit.
show productELCOMAT® HR
The ELCOMAT® HR is a measuring instrument for applications with the highest demands on accuracy. Ultrastable mechano-optical design and specially developed evaluation and calibration algorithms are the basis for the excellent accuracy. This makes the ELCOMAT® HR ideally suited as a reference instrument for national calibration institutes.
show productSoftware for ELCOMAT® vario N, 3000 and 5000
For the ELCOMAT® product series we offer additional software for a number of typical measuring tasks.
show productSoftware ELCOdirect
The ELCOdirect software is already included in the scope of delivery of the ELCOMAT® direct product line. The software can automatically and simultaneously detect up to 10 cross positions and automatically determine the wedge angle or the 90° angle error of 90° prisms. Note: Executable under Windows® / The software is not suitable for the ELCOMAT® product line!
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