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Privacy policy

Version Möller-Wedel Optical GmbH from 01.05.2020

This privacy statement explains the acquisition and further processing of personal data by the companies of the Haag-Streit Group and its subsidiaries (all together HaagStreit), as far as they are not covered by other privacy statements or they result from the circumstances or are regulated by law. Personal data is understood to be all information that relates to an identified or identifiable person.

This Privacy Policy explains in Section I how personal data is generally processed at the Haag-Streit Group. Section II contains the specific explanations for individual areas of activity (e.g. customer service, newsletter, etc.).

For better readability, the masculine form of the term is used throughout the following, which refers to all males as well as all females and other persons.



Each website (including online stores and mini-sites for special promotions), each presence on social networks, multimedia portals, chatbots and each app of Haag-Streit (each a website), has – insofar as personal data is obtained – a controller within Haag-Streit within the meaning of Art. 4 (7) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (or comparable provisions in other applicable data protection laws). If nothing else is stated on the website (in the imprint, the terms of use, etc.) or below in section II, this is HaagStreit AG. Insofar as communication with Haag-Streit takes place via other channels (e-mail, letter, telephone, etc.), the respective group company or branch is the responsible party, unless the communication takes place in the context of an activity for which Haag-Streit has specified a specific responsible party in this Privacy Policy or otherwise.


Insofar as a Haag-Streit company or branch discloses personal data to another Haag-Streit company or branch for its own purposes, this company or branch also becomes the controller within the meaning of Article 4 (7) of the GDPR. A list of all Haag-Streit companies and branches can be found here.

Haag-Streit has appointed data protection officers for the following German companies:


In addition, any inquiries, claims or information relating to data protection law concerning Haag-Streit (all companies and branches) may be directed to the following contact person, unless another contact is named in section II:

Haag-Streit Deutschland GmbH, Rosengarten 10, 22880 Wedel, Germany has been designated as the representative of the following controllers not established in the Union within the meaning of Article 27 GDPR:


  • Haag-Streit AG, Switzerland
  • Spectros AG, Switzerland


Haag-Streit collects and processes personal data from

  • with Haag-Streit registered or non-registered visitors of their websites;
  • Contact persons and employees of suppliers, dealers, vendors and providers of Haag-Streit products and product parts;
  • Haag-Streit’s customers, purchasers and recipients/beneficiaries or interested parties of Haag-Streit’s products and services (including warranty, repair and servicing) or their contacts and employees;
  • Contacts and employees of business partners and affiliated companies, employment agencies and staffing companies (as well as placed employees) and other trade and economic partners;
  • Recipients of the Haag-Streit newsletter;
  • Participants in market research and opinion surveys conducted by Haag-Streit;
  • Participants in the courses, seminars and other training offered by Haag-Streit;
  • Users of the WIFI offered by Haag-Streit in the sales stores, showrooms, business premises and other locations;

(all together business partner).


Personal data of business partners is generally collected directly from data subjects in the course of using the Websites, requesting or using products or services, submitting reviews and reports, participating in market or other surveys, in stores, sales outlets or at events hosted by Haag-Streit or by Haag-Streit’s authorized distributors, or in direct communication with Haag-Streit via e-mail, telephone or otherwise.


However, they may also be collected indirectly, namely when transactions are made for the benefit of or for delivery to a business partner by another business partner, on the recommendation of third parties (e.g. recommendation by acquaintances of the business partner) or by obtaining or purchasing supplementary information from third party data sources (e.g. social media, address dealers).


Haag-Streit processes the following categories of personal data in particular:

Personal data and contact information: This includes, but is not limited to, first and last name, home address, place of residence, telephone number, email address, age, date of birth, gender, marital status, family members, details of any emergency contact, photograph, details of function, details of previous business dealings with these persons, details of business transactions, inquiries, quotations, offers, terms and conditions and contracts, details of professional or other interests of the persons.

Data related to delivery and sale as well as orders and purchase: This includes in particular, but is not limited to, payment details, credit card details and other payment details, billing and delivery address, products and services delivered and sold as well as ordered and purchased, details in connection with queries, complaints and disagreements regarding products and services or the contracts concluded in relation thereto, such as warranty cases, withdrawals and disputes, details of business partners blocked for Haag-Streit, etc.;

Data in connection with the marketing of products and services: This includes information about marketing activities such as receipt of newsletters, newsletter opt-ins and opt-outs, documents received, invitations and participation in events and special activities, personal preferences and interests, etc.

Data in connection with the use of the websitesThis includes, but is not limited to, IP address and other identifiers (e.g. username on social media, MAC address of the smartphone or computer, cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, local shared objects (Flash cookies) or other technologies that automatically collect personal data), date and time of the visit or use of the websites, pages and content accessed, referring websites, etc.;

Data related to communication: Preferred communication channel, correspondence, correspondence language and communication with Haag dispute (including records of communication), etc.; all together Business Partner Data.



Haag-Streit may process the Business Partner Data – to the extent permitted by applicable law – in particular, but not exclusively, for the following purposes:

  • In connection with products and services offered, conclusion of contracts (in particular purchase and sale of products and services), execution of contracts (in particular purchase, delivery and acceptance contracts and contracts for participation in customer programs and events), maintenance and development of relationships with business partners, communication, customer service and support (in particular orders and inquiries), marketing advertising and sales measures (including newsletters and sending of advertising material);
  • Management of users of the websites and other activities involving business partners, operation and further development of the websites (including the provision of functions requiring identifiers or other personal data) and other IT systems, identity checks;
  • Verwaltung der Nutzer der Websites und anderer Aktivitäten, an denen Geschäftspartner beteiligt sind, Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung der Websites (einschließlich der Bereitstellung von Funktionen, für die Kennungen oder andere personenbezogene Daten erforderlich sind) und anderer IT-Systeme, Identitätsprüfungen;
  • Protection of business partners, employees and other persons and protection of Haag-Streit’s data, secrets and assets entrusted to it, security of Haag-Streit’s systems and buildings;
  • Compliance with HaagStreit’s legal and regulatory requirements and internal rules, prosecution and enforcement of various rights, defense of legal claims, civil litigation, complaints, abuse response, for the purposes of legal investigations or proceedings, and to respond to government inquiries;
  • Sale or purchase of business units, companies or parts of companies and other transactions under company law and the associated transfer of business partner data;
  • For other purposes, insofar as a legal obligation requires the processing or these were recognizable or indicated from the circumstances at the time of the data collection;

together the processing purpose.


Haag-Streit uses the business partner data for the processing purpose on the basis of the following legal grounds:

  • Contract performance;
  • Fulfillment of a legal obligation of Haag-Streit;
  • Consent of the business partners (only insofar as processing is carried out upon specific request and can be withdrawn at any time, such as the receipt of newsletters for which the business partner has registered);
  • Legitimate interests of Haag-Streit, in particular
  • Sale and delivery of products and services, also with reference to persons who are not direct contractual partners (such as persons receiving gifts);
  • Carrying out advertising and marketing; o Efficient and effective customer care, contact maintenance and other communication with business partners, also outside of the execution of contracts;
  • Tracking behavior, activities and needs, market studies of, with and about business partners;
  • Efficient and effective improvement of existing products and services and development of new products and services;
  • Efficient and effective protection of business partners and other persons and protection of data, secrets and assets of Haag-Streit and those entrusted to it, security of systems and buildings of Haag-Streit
  • Maintenance and safe, efficient and effective organization of business operations, including safe, efficient and effective operation and successful further development of websites and other IT systems; o Meaningful business management and development;
  • Successful sale or purchase of business units, companies or parts of companies and other transactions under company law;
  • Compliance with Haag-Streit’s legal and regulatory requirements and internal rules;
  • Interest in preventing fraud, misdemeanors and felonies, as well as investigations related to such offenses and other inappropriate conduct, handling legal claims and proceeding against Haag Streit, participating in legal proceedings and cooperating with government agencies, and otherwise asserting, exercising or defending legal claims.

Haag-Streit kann Daten registrierter oder nicht registrierter Besucher der Websites soweit nach anwendbarem Datenschutzrecht zulässig insbesondere bearbeiten für die Zwecke des Betriebs und der Weiterentwicklung der Websites (einschliesslich der Bereitstellung von Funktionen, welche Identifikatoren oder andere Personendaten voraussetzen), für statistische Auswertungen zur Nutzung der Websi- tes und sowie zur Bekämpfung von Missbräuchen, für die Zwecke von rechtlichen Untersuchungen oder Verfahren und zur Beantwortung von Anfragen von Behörden. Sie tut dies auf derselben Basis wie oben für Geschäftspartnerdaten dargelegt. Haag-Streit may process Business Partner Data to the extent permitted by applicable data protection law, in particular for the purposes of entering into and performing contracts and other business relationships, marketing, advertising and sales activities, communications, inviting business partners to events and participating in promotions, conducting joint activities, complying with legal and regulatory requirements and Haag-Streit’s internal rules, enforcement of rights, defense of legal claims, civil litigation, complaints, fraud and abuse prevention, for the purposes of legal investigations or proceedings and to respond to inquiries from public authorities, for the sale or purchase of divisions, companies or parts of companies and other corporate transactions and related transfer of business partner data.

All processing purposes apply to the entire Haag-Streit group, i.e. not only the company that originally obtained the personal data. All business partner data is obtained for the purposes of all Haag-Streit companies.



Haag-Streit may disclose the Business Partner Data, to the extent permitted by applicable data protection law, to the following categories of third parties who process the Business Partner Data for the processing purpose on behalf of Haag-Streit or for their own purposes:

– Service providers (within Haag-Streit as well as externally, for example in the area of support and service), including order processors;

  • Dealers, suppliers and other business partners;
  • Customers and buyers of Haag-Streit;
  • Local, national and foreign authorities and official agencies;
  • Media and private reporters;
  • Public, including visitors to Haag-Streit websites and social media;
  • Industry organizations, associations, organizations and other bodies;
  • Competitor;
  • Acquirers or parties interested in acquiring business units, companies or other parts of Haag-Streit;
  • Other parties to potential or actual legal proceedings;
  • Other group companies of Haag-Streit;

all together third.

Haag-Streit may transfer Business Partner Data within Haag-Streit as well as to third parties to any country in the world, in particular to all countries in which Haag-Streit is represented by group companies, branches or other offices and representatives as well as the countries in which Haag-Streit’s service providers process their data. If data is transferred to a country without adequate data protection, Haag-Streit will ensure adequate protection by using sufficient contractual safeguards, namely on the basis of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses, Binding Corporate Rules or relying on the exception of consent, the performance of the contract, the establishment, exercise or enforcement of legal claims, overriding public interests, the data disclosed by the Business Partner or because it is necessary to protect the integrity of such persons. The business partner may obtain a copy of the contractual guarantees from the contact person mentioned under I. 1. above or learn through her where such a co pie can be obtained. Haag-Streit reserves the right to black out such copies for reasons of data protection or confidentiality.



Haag-Streit generally stores contract-related business partner data for the duration of the contractual relationship and ten years beyond the termination of the contractual relationship, unless in individual cases there are longer statutory retention obligations, this is required for reasons of proof or another valid exceptional reason exists under applicable law, or earlier deletion is appropriate (namely because the data is no longer required or Haag-Streit is obliged to delete it). For operational data containing business partner data (e.g., logs, logs), shorter retention periods generally apply. Geschäftliche Unterlagen, einschliesslich Kommunikation, werden so lange aufbewahrt, wie Haag-Streit ein Interesse daran hat (so insbesondere ein Beweisinteresse im Falle von Ansprüchen, Dokumentation der Einhaltung bestimmter gesetzlicher und anderer Vorgaben, ein Interesse an nicht personenbezogenen Auswertung) oder dazu verpflichtet ist (vertraglich, gesetzlich oder aufgrund von anderen Vorgaben). Vorbehalten bleiben gesetzliche Pflichten etwa bezüglich einer Anonymisierung oder Pseudonymisierung von Daten.


6. COOKIES, GOOGLE ANALYTICS UND SOCIAL PLUG-INS Haag-Streit setzt auf ihren Websites Cookies ein. Cookies sind eine verbreitete Technik, bei welcher dem Browser des Nutzers einer Website eine Kennung zugeteilt wird, die dieser bei sich abspeichert und auf Verlangen vorweist. Haag-Streit setzt zum einen sog. Session Cookies ein, welche nach Beendigung des Besuchs einer Website automatisch gelöscht werden und dazu dienen, damit Server den Bezug zum Benutzer halten kann, wenn dieser sich auf einer Website bewegt. Zum anderen werden sog. Permanent Cookies eingesetzt, die erst nach einer je Website definierten Laufzeit (z.B. zwei Jahre nach dem letzten Besuch) gelöscht werden und dazu dienen, Voreinstellungen des Benutzers (z.B. Sprache) über mehrere Sitzungen hinweg zu speichern oder ein automatisches Login zu ermöglichen. Mit der Nutzung der Websites aber auch den entsprechenden Funktionen (z.B. Sprachwahl, Autologin) willigt der Benutzer in den Einsatz solcher Permanent Cookies ein. Der Benutzer einer Website kann die Verwendung von Cookies in seinem Browser sperren oder diese dort löschen, wobei dies unter Umständen die Nutzung der Website beeinträchtigen kann. Haag-Streit kann auch in Newslettern und sonstigen Marketing-E-Mails, die sie versendet, soweit nach anwendbarem Recht zulässig Codierungen einbauen, mit denen sie erkennen kann, ob der Empfänger die E-Mail geöffnet hat und die darin enthaltenen Bilder herunterlädt. Der Empfänger kann dies in seinem E-Mail-Programm jedoch blockieren. Er stimmt jedoch dem Einsatz dieser Technik mit der Einwilligung zum Empfang von Newslettern und sonstigen Marketing-E-Mails zu. Soweit Haag-Streit auf einer Website Werbung von Dritten einsetzt (z.B. Banner-Werbung) oder auf Sites von Dritten eigene Werbung schalten will, können auch Cookies von Firmen zum Einsatz kommen, die auf die Anzeige solcher Werbung spezialisiert sind. Sie erhalten von Haag-Streit keine Personendaten, d.h. setzen bei den Nutzern der Websites lediglich ein Permanent Cookie, um diese als solche wiederzuerkennen, und tun dies nur für die Zwecke von Haag-Streit. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, dass Haag-Streit auf fremden Websites diesen Personen gezielt Werbung von Haag-Streit anzeigen kann. Die Betreiber der fremden Sites erhalten ebenfalls keine Personendaten von Haag-Streit. Haag-Streit kann auf den Websites Google Analytics oder vergleichbare Dienste einsetzen. Es ist dies eine Dienstleistung eines Dritten, der sich in irgendeinem Land der Erde befinden kann (im Falle von Google Analytics von Google Inc. in den USA,, mit welchem Haag-Streit die Nutzung einer Website messen und auswerten kann. Hierzu werden ebenfalls Permanent Cookies benutzt, die der Dienstleister setzt. Der Dienstleister erhält von Haag-Streit keine Personendaten (und bewahrt auch keine IP-Adressen auf), kann jedoch die Nutzung der Websites durch den Benutzer verfolgen, diese Angaben kombinieren mit Daten von anderen Sites, die der Benutzer besucht hat und die ebenfalls von Dienstleister verfolgt werden, und diese Erkenntnisse für eigene Zwecke (z.B. Steuerung von Werbung) verwenden. Soweit der Benutzer sich beim Dienstleister selbst registriert hat, kennt der Dienstleister seine Identität. Die Bearbeitung seiner Personendaten durch den Dienstleister erfolgt dann in Verantwortung des Dienstleisters nach dessen Datenschutzbestimmungen. Haag-Streit erhält vom Dienstleister Angaben zur Nutzung der Websites. Haag-Streit may also use so-called plug-ins (also add-ons) from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest or Instagram or from business partners on the websites. The default settings of the websites are configured so that the plug-ins are deactivated. The user must therefore activate them himself. If he does so, the operators of the social networks can establish a direct connection to the user while he is on the websites and know that he is there and can evaluate this information. The processing of his personal data by the operator of the social network is then the responsibility of this operator in accordance with its data protection provisions. Haag-Streit does not receive any information from the operators of these social networks.



Jede betroffene Person hat gegenüber Haag-Streit ein Auskunftsrecht über sie betreffende Personendaten. Zudem hat sie das Recht, von Haag-Streit die Berichtigung, Löschung und Einschränkung von sie betreffende Personendaten zu verlangen sowie einer solchen Bearbeitung von Personendaten zu widersprechen. Falls die Bearbeitung der Personendaten auf einer Einwilligung beruht, kann die Einwilligung durch die betroffene Person jederzeit widerrufen werden. In Staaten der EU bzw. dem EWR hat die betroffene Person in gewissen Fällen das Recht, die bei der Nutzung von Online-Diensten generierten Daten in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten, welches die weitere Nutzung und Übermittlung ermöglichen. Anfragen im Zusammenhang mit diesen Rechten sind an den Datenschutzbeauftragten oder die Kontaktperson gemäss oben Ziff. I. 1 zu richten. Haag-Streit behält sich vor, die Rechte der betroffenen Person im Rahmen des jeweils anwendbaren Rechts zu beschränken und z.B. keine vollständige Auskunft zu erteilen oder Daten nicht zu löschen. Wenn Haag-Streit automatisiert eine einzelne Person betreffende Entscheidung vornimmt, die gegenüber der betroffenen Person rechtliche Wirkungen entfaltet oder sie in ähnlicher Weise erheblich beeinträchtigt, kann die betroffene Person bei Haag-Streit mit einer zuständigen Person sprechen und von ihr eine Wiedererwägung des Entscheids verlangen, oder von vornherein die Beurteilung durch eine Person verlangen, soweit das anwendbare Recht dies vorsieht. In diesem Fall kann die betroffene Person gewisse automatisierte Dienstleistungen unter Umständen nicht mehr nutzen. Die Person wird über solche Entscheide nachfolgend oder separat vorgängig informiert. Every data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.



Haag-Streit kann die vorliegende Datenschutzerklärung jederzeit ohne Vorankündigung und Mitteilung anpassen. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle, auf der Website publizierte Fassung. Soweit die Datenschutzerklärung Teil einer Vereinbarung mit Geschäftspartnern ist, kann Haag-Streit diese im Falle einer Aktualisierung über die Änderung per E-Mail oder auf andere geeignete Weise informieren. Erfolgt innert 30 Tagen kein Widerspruch, so gilt die neue Datenschutzerklärung als vereinbart. Wird widersprochen, kann Haag-Streit die Vereinbarung ausserordentlich und fristlos auflösen.


The following statements supplement the statements in the general part for specific activities of Haag-Streit. In case of contradictions, the following explanations take precedence over those in the general part.



Haag-Streit may send business partners newsletters and other commercial communications regarding its products and services. In the case of existing customers and business partners, Haag-Streit reserves the right to do so without prior consent within the scope of applicable law, but such customers and business partners may object to further sending at any time. In other cases, Haag-Streit will only send such communication after prior request by the business partners (e.g. newsletter registration via the website account). The sending of the newsletter and other commercial communications can be unsubscribed at any time via an account on the relevant website or via the link provided in each mailing. However, unsubscribing from one newsletter does not necessarily terminate other newsletters.

When visiting the Websites, personalized advertising may be displayed through web banners. Each banner advertisement shown to the Business Partner contains products of the Websites, which the Business Partner has already viewed in advance. The advertising is generated by Haag-Streit via cookies (cf. I. Sec. 6 above).